Sending you lots of love, Emily. He sounds like he was such a wonderful man. This must be one of the reasons you're so lovely. He lives on in you. ❤️

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River, that is so nice. Thank you. I have been reading mostly everything you've been writing this summer, although not engaging much because so tired and still recovering (I will go on a heart'ing spree soon on the app), but just want to say I am so glad you are in your new space - saw that on notes - and I think you are the coolest.

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This is such a beautiful tribute. I have a complicated relationship with my grandparents who I used to be very close with and am feeling that grief with you. Sending love 🧡

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!! I loved him so fiercely so I am glad it is felt. I feel you - it's such complicated grief. I feel very lonely inside of it at the minute so thank you. <3

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