"To really be able to sit with our helplessness (and transform it) is the key to be able to liberate ourselves from our want to dominate in any way."

Love this! In the past few months I have been struggling to articulate how something similar happens in healing spaces/healthcare. Situations where patients aren't empowered to figure out for themselves what they need, but are told what's wrong with them and how they must be fixed. I guess I hadn't thought about it before, but that thing that has been irking me is a dynamic of domination in how you describe it. Like you said, I think the urge to dominate comes from people not being able to sit with what is, or how someone else is.

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Hi Christina. Thank you for reading. :)

Yes, I so appreciate your comment and your observation!! I totally feel that too in the healing spaces/ in healthcare. Incredibly irking. And I think it is a skill we all have to develop at some point that not everyone does and it really shows in these wellness spaces if the skill has not been developed. I suppose it takes great practice to be able to sit with our helplessness and not know sometimes and instead of dominate, be curious and engaging with tender parts of ourselves or of the journey, and willing to collaborate with them - which includes hearing them and seeing them as they are - instead of forcing or willing our way through to get them to how they "ought to be".

Also, I was thinking lately, looking back, I see how writing for me despite being an educator or coach was a way for me to stop the hierarchal power dynamic that could have potentially settled between my students or clients and I if I didn't show up myself evidently human and 3-dimensional as a curious peer on the journey of healing and transformation, rather than an all knowing authority at all times. I didn't do this consciously, but I can see how my intention to dissolve hierarchy, and therefore, domination, was present in that choice as well. I am liking having discussions around this a lot lately. Thanks for joining in!

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Thank you for sharing this! That is such an honorable intention for your writing. I too, long to show my humanness in my writing, and am working at being better at integrating the subjective, intuitive, soft and feeling parts of myself in with my scientist side. This comment (and the wider themes of your piece regarding domination) have given me a lot to think about.

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I am so glad!

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These thoughts are powerful, and ring true... thanks for manifesting the kind of love you seek !

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Thanks for reading and letting me know how it landed for you, Julia! I appreciate you. :)

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